

I search the stucture of TCoordinates



Jean Michel


This is the structure of the TCoordinate class in TMS VCL WebOSMaps:

    property Latitude : double
    property Longitude : double


I've always a problem with TCoordinates. I work with Delphi XE5.

See my USES : "uses
Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, PNGImage, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.Buttons, Vcl.ExtCtrls,Vcl.ComCtrls,jpeg,system.UITypes,
UWebOSMapsCommon, UWebOSMaps,UWebOsMapsMarkers, UWebOSMapsPolylines,ConstantesFH,DB,UWebOsMapsConst,
Vcl.DBCtrls, Vcl.StdCtrls, Vcl.Grids, Vcl.DBGrids, Vcl.Menus ;


procedure WebOSMaps1PolylineDrag(Sender: TObject; IdPolyline: Integer;  Coordinates: TCoordinates);  

TCoordinates is underlined in red and Delphi returns an error to me.

Thanks for your help

Jean Michel

Can you please make sure to include the UWebOSMapsPolygons unit?

Many thanks.

At this moment, I don't use Polygons. I thought the Type was defined in UWebOSMapsPolylines. I've not searched int that direction.

For Polyline not draggable :
You might want to take a look at the TMS FNC Maps which supports a newer version of the OpenLayers API than the one TMS VCL WebOSMaps is based on. ............. I work with Delphi XE5 :o(( ...............

Unfortunately we are unable to add support for Delphi XE5 in TMS FNC Maps due to technical limitations of that framework.