TAdvTreeView: white text on white background in filter


I'm experimenting with the filter function in TAdvTreeView.
When enabling the filter option for a column i'm getting the filter list with white text on white background.
Clicking an entry with the mous shows the text so I'm quite sure there is text in the list.

How can I set the color of the items in the list?

(AdaptToStyle is false but setting it to true doesn't change anything)

Thanks in advance


I retested this here with a TAdvTreeView on the form initialized with:

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  advtreeview1.Columns[0].Filtering.Enabled := true;
  advtreeview1.Columns[1].Filtering.Enabled := true;
  advtreeview1.Columns[2].Filtering.Enabled := true;

but I cannot reproduce this. Can you please provide more details?

We added an OnCustomizeFilterListBox event, that will allow you to change the font settings for the listbox.

I've found the solution. It was a problem with Delphi I Styles.