TAdvTreeView font sizes


I have a TAdvTreeView on a form.  In the designer I have set the column topFont.size to 12, the Node font.size to 12, the extendedFont.size to 12 and the component font.size to 12.  When I run the application and load the tree view all of the font sizes are 8. 

I have tried to sent the font sizes within the program and it has no effect. 

I have tried a test program and it works as expected. 

Is there a styler for the tree view?  I have panel stylers in my application.



We are not able to reproduce the issue with the font sizes. Are you sure you haven't set any properties at runtime in your application? Does removing and re-adding the treeview fix the issue?

There is currently no styler available for the TAdvTreeView
When I setup the grid (after clearing the nodes and columns) I create a column and then set the columns UseDefaultAppearance to false.  So I commented out that line and now everything is ok.  I then set the property UseDefaultAppearance to true and it still worked.  So it looks like the property is backwards?  The version on the component is


UseDefaultAppearance property should override the values from the default ColumnAppearance settings. You can use this property to define column appearance that differs from the main column appearance.