TadvToolBarPager and OptionMenu

Why mouse click on Option-menu-mark  at Toolbar placed on to the AdvToolBarPager doesn't automatically open linked option menu?

I used  my code:  (Sender as TAdvToolBar).OptionMenu.Popup( ScreenPoint.x , ScreenPoint.y); in OnOptionClick event but this isn't  nice or usseful solution for large number of toolbars, etc...  Why this acction noes't execute automaticaly (opening of linked option menu)?

Version of component is:

Today I tried download of latest version download, but at 20% of download DSL connection was falled down nad my IP has changed. About restrictions on 1 connection per day now I can't download new version of commponents. (This restriction is verry bad idea and decision at the users opint of view).

Like in the Microsoft Office ribbon, this option button on ribbon toolbars is not directly bound to popup menus. The OptionMenu was designed for the Microsoft 2003 classic toolbar options.
We'll look though to automatically show the option menu also when the ribbon option button is clicked and integrate this in the next update.

Wrt download, there are both technical & security reasons for this. We don't like such limitations either but it is necessary as some users don't respect our license agreements. If you experience a problem with downloads, you can at any time contact our support and we'll reset the download counter.

Thank You very much for answers.