TAdvStringGrid versus custom grouping order

Is there an option to group cells in a TAdvStringGrid based on a custom order instead of an alphabetical order?

For example:

- BMW (group)
  - 1 series
  - 3 series
  - 5 series
  - 7 series
- Mercedes (group)
  - A class
  - C class
  - E class
  - S class
- Audi (group)
- Porsche (group)
- Ferrari (group)

Thank you in advance for your help.

If you specify a sort type for the column of the car type that would sort it this way, it will be displayed in groups this way.

I've added the following code to my project:

void __fastcall TForm1::AdvStringGrid1GetFormat(TObject *Sender, int ACol, Advobj::TSortStyle &AStyle,
          UnicodeString &aPrefix, UnicodeString &aSuffix)
  if(ACol == 1) AStyle = Advobj::ssCustom;

Thank you for your help. Everything works as expected. :)