TAdvStringGrid - RowChanging problems.


2 problems with RowChanging event.

1) RowChanging event does not trigger - when doing a column sort (pressing a column header).
- Even if you end up having focus on an other row.

2) RowChanging event triggers - 2 TIMES - when enabling MoveRowOnSort for the grid.
- first event changing from current to last row will allways trigger. This is wrong!
- second rowchanging event then triggers from last to the new. This is also wrong .. should be from current in first event.

Hope you will fix this.

Kind Regards
Bjarne Rasmussen

  1. I do not see the row changing here, hence, the event does not trigger.
    2) We have fixed this. The next update will address this.
  1. You are correct - in the sense that rowindex is the same. 
    - RowChanged event is declared as an event that triggers, when moving to another row.

    And doing sort - one is not moving anywhere :-)

    But great that 2) gets fixed - looking forward to that.

    Great support - again .. and as always.
    Kind Regards.
    Bjarne Rasmussen