Hi I have the following problem, I load png images into the cells of a TAdvStringGrid.
Using Delphi XE6 the images load regularly, but have no transparency.
ex. lista^.CreatePicture(c,r,true,noStretch,0,hacenter,vaUnderText).LoadFromFile(imgpath+'tv_libero'+datamain.gtav.addimg+'.png');
with Delphi XE, I solved the problem by adding a component from the lmd.tpngimage suite to the form.
Now in Delphi XE6 I no longer have the LMD libraries available, and the problem has recurred.
Is there a solution to the problem?
Thank you
Antonio Vinci
You mean not transparent in the PDF output? Does that mean that your cell background color is not white?
no, the problem in TAdvstringGrid, attached are two screenshots, one with the incorrect view, the other with the correct one.
The problem occurs if I install the Envision library, Interval Software - Envision
When this library is present, transparency of png files does not work.
The problem manifests itself in Delphi XE and XE6, in Delphi
Now in Delphi XE6 we no longer have this component.
The question is is there a way to force png images to be handled correctly in the Grid?
Thank you
Antonio Vinci
I can only suspect the problem is in this library and that this library incorrectly handles PNG transparency.
With our code, PNG is correctly handled with transparency:
See test app
Project1.zip (54.1 KB)