TAdvStringGrid Padding

I'd like to have a little extra space at the top and bottom of each grid row do I can draw progress indicators without them overlapping the text.

If I enable word wrap, I can set the padding which seems to do what I need.

Is there a way to do the same when word wrap is not enabled?

Have you used grid.XYOffset:TPoint to try to control this offset from cell top left corner?

No, but that would not get me any extra padding would it?

I'd like the row height to be slightly more than what it allows now for a given (user settable) text size.

I am painting thin progress bars at the top and bottom of selected cells.

You say
"I'd like to have a little extra space at the top and bottom of each grid row"

I'm not sure how to interpret that. I interpreted this as wanting that what is drawn in the cell is less close to the top and bottom. So, to achieve that you could increase grid.XYOffset.Y and you could increase grid.RowHeights[rowindex]

I'm using a center VAlignment, so I just tried adding the padding to where I was already setting DefaultRowHeight to suit the selected font. That works well. I'd forgotten about that.