TAdvStringGrid - Grouping with Custom Header


How can I get my group header to show data from the first child node in any given group?
The data is currently available on every row (child) object property.

With header merged (cells are all merged) - I would like to control position of the text.

Example of a header text:

(left aligned) (right aligned)
Group 1 Date : 01-01-1980

What should I do to achieve the desired visual "effect"?

Kind Regards
Bjarne Rasmussen

With grouping, the group header row is either merged (one value for the row) or not (all cells available). 
If you want customized text in group header cells (not merged), you could use the grid.OnGetDisplText() event for this, to set custom text for these cells.
If the row is merged, you could do custom drawing on this merged group header row using the OnDrawCell event.