I have the following problem:
If i put an TouchKeyboard on the form and resize it in form designer keys are stretched to the size of the keyboard.
But if i set the align of the keyboard the keysize stays at the size of designtime.
How can i raise autosize of Keys at runtime so that the keys take the whole keyboard-panel-space.
Normally this should be fixed in the latest version. Are you using the latest version?
The Version of the Keyboard is
I tried with keyboard on a form and popupkeyboard.
For Keyboard on a form i found out that it works if you first show the form and then set the new width of the form,
if you first resize the form and then show it, it doesn't work.
works not:
please update to the latest version where this issue should already be fixed.
Tried latest version, problem is there anyway.
Resize works just if called after touchkeyboard is shown.
Maybe if i find the time i will provide a demo.
I have investigated this here and have found that the keyboard automatically sets the AutoZoom after it has been created. As long as the Form is not shown the keyboard will not resize. If the form is shown, the keyboard is resized. This is due to a function AutoZoom that is internally called and is based on the previous width and height. The CreateWND is not called when setting the Width of the form before the form is shown.
Thank you, i will try this, although im now using Popupkeyboard, if you now that resize can be done only after showing keyboard its no Problem at all.
Maybe this should be included in DevelopersGuide of touchkeyboard, if not already is =)
If it is the popuptouchkeyboard then the Width must be set after the show, since the form of the keyboard does not exist before the show.