TAdvSmoothTimeLine basic issue

I have created a simple VCL Forms project with only a TAdvSmoothTimeLine component on the form. 

I have copied the code exactly as per the "Years/Month" sample in the "tms smoothcontrols.pdf" document by adding the following code to my FormCreate function


procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  AdvSmoothTimeLine1.Range.RangeFrom := EncodeDate(2009, 1, 1);
  AdvSmoothTimeLine1.Range.RangeTo := EncodeDate(2009, 12, 31);
  AdvSmoothTimeLine1.Range.Divisions := 1;
  AdvSmoothTimeLine1.Range.SubDivisions := 11;
  AdvSmoothTimeLine1.RangeAppearance.DivisionFormat := 'mmmm yyyy';
  AdvSmoothTimeLine1.RangeAppearance.SubDivisionFormat := 'mmmm';
  AdvSmoothTimeLine1.RangeAppearance.DivisionFont.Size := 10;
  AdvSmoothTimeLine1.RangeAppearance.SubDivisionFont.Size := 7;
  AdvSmoothTimeLine1.RangeAppearance.DivisionTickMarkSize := 15;
  AdvSmoothTimeLine1.RangeAppearance.SubDivisionTickMarkSize := 5;
  AdvSmoothTimeLine1.HorizontalMargin := 50;
  AdvSmoothTimeLine1.Width := 700;

The end result is NOT the same as the image in the "Years/Months" sample which shows Jan 2009 on the left of the timeline, Dec 2009 on the right of the timeline and each month in between.

I end up with April 2013 on the left, of the timeline, April 2013 on the right of the timeline with a whole lot of April subdivisions.
Adding the following two lines to my the beginning of my FormCreate() does not help!
  AdvSmoothTimeLine1.Range.MinimumRange := EncodeDate(2000, 1, 1);
  AdvSmoothTimeLine1.Range.MaximumRange := EncodeDate(2010, 12, 31);

What am I doing wrong?

