TAdvSmoothTimeLine Annotation Position and Size

Hi Guys,

how can i get the Position and Heights of all Annotations in my TimeLine? I Found a Funktion to get the IndicatorRect, but i need the Annotation Positions and Heights (..for Drawing other Content to the Timeline-Canvas)!

Any Ideas?


This is currently not possible but we have created a method called GetAnnotationRect which will return the rectangle 
of the annotation linked to the indicator.

This improvement will be available in the next release.

Hallo and thank you for the quick reply. When the new Version is out? Maybe?

TMS Smooth Controls Pack update scheduled for Dec 17,
TMS Component Pack update scheduled for Dec 18.

Thanks for your Reply and the fast update.

Good Support, Thanks.

Happy New Year Folks,

is a "New TimeLine" for your SmoothTimeline in work. Or is it scheduled for Dec 17 2011?

Andreas Schachtner

*** Push ***

The next TMS Smooth Controls Pack update is scheduled for Jan 14.

Thank You, Sir.


can i install the Update of SmoothControlsPack if i have the whole ComponentPack installed ?

That is not easily or directly possible. If you have the TMS Component Pack, the next scheduled update will get all TMS Smooth Controls improvements.