TAdvSmoothPanel OnAnchorHint woes :-(

Recently I was asking for the ability to have hints appearing when the mouse
howers over anchors in Caption.HTMLText of TAdvSmoothPanel. In the last version
the OnAnchorHint finally appeared. However, the implementation differs from already existing implementations in THMLLabel and other HTML controls in that:
1) MouseMove does not cancel previous hints when the mouse moves from one anchor to another anchor
2) There is no new AnchorHint Boolean property (with default false value), and the occurrence
of anchor hint is controlled by ordinary "ShowHint", which leads to that anchor hints with text equal to anchor names start appearing where they should NOT throughout the application.
Is there any chance that the quality of anchor hint implementation in TAsdvSmoothPanel is going to be improved soon?


We have investigated this here and improved this behavior, the next version will address this.
If you want a source update, please contact us by email.

Kind Regards, 

Thank you for good news :-). I can easily wait for the next version release