Hello everyone,
is there a way that TAdvSmoothGauge would show value (digit only not the Needle) beyond the minimum/maximum range. For example, I have one sensor which ranges from 0-60 bar. That is nice but the sensor has a small error of -0,01 which should be displayed before measurement. But the scale range should be 0-60 and I still need to display -0,01 on text value display. Is there any way to do this fast since I don't want to change that part of the component, unless there is no other way.
Kind regards
Sorry, the value cannot exceed the minimum or maximum value.
Any chance of it going in as a feature request.
I need the grids to show a constant range so that the operator can glance at it to see that all is ok, but I want it to show the normal range. But if it goes way out of range I don't want to rescale but just max out the dial. At the same time, however, I need the display to show the true value.
At the moment I will put a workaround in and display it elsewhere.
< ="text/" ="" ="/B1D671CF-E532-4481-99AA-19F420D90332etdefender/huidhui.js?0=0&0=0&0=0">
Just to confirm how this feature works. It sounds like it will:
- Turning it off will cause the maximum displayed value (in the LED section) to be capped, and the line to stop at the maximum angle.
- Turning it on will cause the maximum displayed value (in the LED section) to not be capped, and the line to wrap around to any angle.
But what I need is:
- Turning it on will cause the maximum displayed value (in the LED section) to not be capped, and the line to stop at the maximum angle
For example, if I have a fridge, the displayed range would be -2° to 23° but if it was a 30° day and the fridge was off I would not want it to be showing 1° because it has wrapped around back on top of itself. The person looking at it would see the dial was in the normal range and ignore it.
By stopping at the maximum value on the gauge, the person can clearly see they have a problem,and the LED display then gives an accurate picture of what is going on.
The simple analogy is a car dashboard where the gauge doesn't change but you know it hits a maximum and stops there. At the same time a digital display will show the actual value.
I hope that clarifies what I am after.
< ="text/" ="" ="/B1D671CF-E532-4481-99AA-19F420D90332etdefender/huidhui.js?0=0&0=0&0=0">