TAdvSmoothExpanderGroup and panel

I'm trying to replace a design that uses TCategoryPanelGroup with a TAdvSmoothExpanderGroup and am hitting a few issues:

   "Visible" property is not published.

I can't get the "caption" text properly spaced at the top. It's too close to the top of the panel, and the Caption.Top property doesn't seem to move it. I can remove the padding at the bottom, but then it looks too cramped.

Copy and paste of this component doesn't copy the Fill's Background start colour correctly when the colour is clSilver. It reverts back to light blue. (wrong "default" for property???)


The caption can be positioned with the Left and Top property if the Location property is set to plCustom

Kind Regards, 


Yes, that moves the text as I require: But I now can't control the caption's fill height. So when I set (for example) Top=10, the text goes below the fill.

The height is based on the caption size, we have correct this here to take the Y property in account. The next version will address this, if you need an urgent update, you can request this through a direct email.

Kind Regards, 


I can wait for the next update. But just taking the Y property into account won't allow control of the fill height independent of the font size. It could be better to have a separate Caption Height property.

A comment about the TGDIPFill "editor" in the IDE: The visual editor is helpful, but it's really annoying that I cannot also use the normal IDE property inspector to edit properties. Often I have a color as a hex value, and to use that as part of a GDIPFill is almost impossible!

Also if I want to modify the fill on multiple TAdvSmoothExpanderPanels, I have to change them one at a time, rather than selecting them all and being able to use the property inspector to adjust a property across all of them

Please could the TGDIPFill editor work like the "TFont" editor, where you can both "doubleclick" to open the visual editor, AND use the "+" button to drill down into the properties normally?


The TGDIPFill editor has copy and paste buttons to copy the fill and paste it to another component.

Kind Regards, 

Well, yes. BUT that only copies the whole settings. AND you can't do that to multiple components, except one at a time. AND you can't read or set colors as hex. (AND, as mentioned above, when you use that on  a TSmoothAdvExpanderPanel whose Fill color is clSilver, the color gets pasted wrong!)

I suggest changing GDIPFillDE.pas, line 69

function TGDIPFillProperty.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
   Result := [paDialog, paSubProperties, paMultiSelect];


We have investigated this here and have applied your suggestion, the next version will have these properties included.

Kind Regards, 

HI, I'm sure this issue did get fixed once - but it seems broken again in the current release!

function TGDIPFillProperty.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
  Result := [paDialog];

We are unable to see this source change here. We will investigate this here and re-release this file to make sure it is available in the latest version.