TAdvRichEditorFontRibbonToolBar error when not assigning tag value when executing procedure UpdateHints

When executing the call to this procedure, it causes an exception by not having assigned a TAG value in the following atb: = AddButton (...

atb: = AddButton (HInstance, TAdvRichEditorBold, bsCheck, 'TMSRETBBOLD', 'Bold');
atb.Tag: = integer (btBold); <----------------

atb: = AddButton (HInstance, TAdvRichEditorItalic, bsCheck, 'TMSRETBITALIC', 'Italic');
atb.Tag: = integer (btItalic); <----------------

atb: = AddButton (HInstance, TAdvRichEditorUnderline, bsCheck, 'TMSRETBUNDERLINE', 'Underline');
atb.Tag: = integer (btUnderline); <----------------

atb: = AddButton (HInstance, TAdvRichEditorStrikeout, bsCheck, 'TMSRETBSTRIKE', 'Strikeout');
atb.Tag: = integer (btStrikeThrough); <----------------

atb: = AddButton (HInstance, TAdvRichEditorSubScript, bsCheck, 'TMSRETBSUBSCR', 'SubScript');
atb.Tag: = integer (btSubscript); <----------------

atb: = AddButton (HInstance, TAdvRichEditorSuperScript, bsCheck, 'TMSRETBSUPERSCR', 'SuperScript');
atb.Tag: = integer (btSuperscript); <----------------

I cannot understand this
Is this your code? Is this when compiling something with our code?
What exact exception is this?

atb.Tag: = integer (btStrikeThrough);

This is glaring nonsense. It's supposed to be something along those lines

atb.Tag: = Ord(TheEnumeratedTypeFromWhichItComesbtStrikeThrough(btStrikeThrough));

This is my solution