TAdvRichEditor export to / import from HTML issues


Need some help with a couple of issues.

Is there any way to include atributes title or alt in the img tag when I'm exporting to html?. I though that if I added some text in TREElement properties Hint, Comment or TagText could do the trick but it seems that only width and height are exported. I tried with TAdvRichEditorMiniHTMLIO and TAdvRichEditorHTMLIO without success. When I try to import an html with those attributes (tittle and /or alt), the import process skips them as well (or I can't see where are added).

Another questions regarding the import process is that it seems that the float attribute referenced in your minihtml guide does not seem to work. I'm trying to import a html with and image with float=left attribute and a bunch of text at its side but the text appears at the botton of the image and doesn't surround it.

What I expect to get according your guide ...

What I get ...


It is a good suggestion to use the Hint as Title attribute. We have added this extension, it will be included in the next update.
At this moment, the float style property isn't used in the HTML import. We have added this on the list for consideration to add this in the future.