TAdvPolyMenu Wedge Issue

Hey all,

I've already sent this question via the web support thing, and only just found this forum now, lol - so I'll repost the question here anyway.

I'm using the TAdvPolyMenu component with a TWedgeItem; I'm trying to get the Wedge image to display correctly (as per MS Office 2010) but there seems to be a line or border running around/through it, ruining the Wedge. 

I've tried setting the Opacity for the border to 0% on each of the button and background states, and I've even set the background on the PolyMenu itself to white to see if the border was the problem. 

Additional: I first thought it was my design, so I started a new project using TMS Office 2010 Ribbon Application and the "border" line was still showing over the Wedge image. 

Nothing worked. Perhaps I'm doing something wrong? Maybe I've missed something? xD

Please help. 


Let me add:

When I say wedge image I don't mean the icon/image on the left, I mean the triangular cutout that is on the right (by default) as we see on MS Office 2010 on the Info, Recent, New items.

I posted this on the 20th of July .. anybody had a look into this so you can provide feedback please? 


The border you are noticing is the border of the container, unfortunately we haven't implemented this on container level that clears the border if a wedge item is detected.


Ah, ok - thanks. :)