TAdvPDFViewer display Issue ( Delphi 12


Attached pdf does not display correctly in the viewer
Is there an issue with the viewer ?


20240111143958245.pdf (41.8 KB)

It seems that some PDF files cannot be rendered, right now it's unclear exactly why this is the case. We'll further investigate this here as soon as possible.

Just tried another pdf viewer and it fails also


Could this be related to JBIG2 - Wikipedia encoding ?


This could be, we'll have to investigate the exact cause. Right now, we are accessing the APIs from Microsoft without changing the output, so either Microsoft needs to add options to address this, or we need to change the output.


I'm not sure where the PDF file is coming from, but this link tells that it's an encryption for monochrome 1 bit image data but also used to produce malicious PDF files

Please be careful opening those PDF files. If you have produced the PDF files your self, you might need to consider choosing a different compression algorithm that is compatible with the Microsoft APIs producing images from PDF pages. Right now, there is no implementation/library available that will allow us to extract or decompress PDF pages to an image containing this kind of information.