TAdvOfficeStatusBar Cursor and Anchor

I have made some of the panels in my TAdvOfficeStatusBar clickable, but I want to show they can be clicked by changing the Cursor for these panels to crHandPoint. There is no MouseOver function though.

Question 2:
How can the OnAnchorEnter / -Exit / -Click functions be used? It's not the standard anchor, is it?

We'd need to extend the control to enable setting the mouse cursor different for different panels.

The Anchor events are used when the panel contains HTML formatted text with hyperlinks. When the mouse is over the area of the hyperlink, the Anchor events will be triggered.

I would very much appriciate that.

I have some panels in psHTML style, but I'm not sure how to use these anchors...

An anchor is text or image between anchor tags like <A ...> some text </A>

See https://www.tmssoftware.com/site/minihtml.asp for info on HTML you can use in the controls.