TAdvOfficeCheckGroup with static linked packages

When including a TAdvOfficeCheckGroup control in a form, AdvGroupbox.hpp and AdvOfficeButtons.hpp are included in the header file.

if you compile with static linked libraries then several unresolved external references in tmsd2011.lib appears in calling functions from AdvGDIP.
This problem get solved when you include advgdip.hpp in the header file too.
it seems that TAdvOfficeCheckGroup does not include all the headers needed in order to use the control.
I Hope this information will be of  your interest.
Best Regards

It is unclear how you see this issue. TAdvOfficeCheckGroup is not using the unit AdvGDIP.

Are you sure it is this component causing the problem?

Start a new CBuilder project. Place a TAdvOfficeCheckGroup, add a few items in it.

Compile the application and all goes well.
In Options->Packages uncheck  Build with runtime packages and rebuild.
Then unresolved external references in tmsd2011.lib appear for AdvGDIP.
include in the header file advgdip.hpp an rebuild and all goes well too.
Best regards.

Can you try to add following line in your app's main cpp file:

#pragma link "gdiplus.lib"

When I add the #pragma link "gdiplus.lib" in the main cpp file all goes well.

I hope this could help you.