TAdvNavBar - bad paint on collapsed = true


We're using the navbar and if starting the application with bar set as collapsed it's looking bad. Same goes at design time if you tick the "Collapsed" checkbox.

Any solution about how to start with bar being collapsed and still looking properly?


What exactly do you mean with "looking bad"

I retested this here with the latest version with a default TAdvNavBar on the form with a few panels added and the code:

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  AdvNavBar1.AllowCollaps := true;
  AdvNavBar1.Collapsed := true;

and this looks correct here.

I mean this

I get the same at design time if I tick the "Collapsed" box.

Version is is there any newer? Does it fix the above?

have retested this with our latest version v2.0.1.6 but we could not see such problem here.

Could you please provide some sample source project with which we can reproduce
this here ?

It may be a video driver issue. Have you tried this on a second system with a different video card/driver? Is the current driver up to date?


I confirm problem mentionned by Cornel Lordache (version  I experimented exactly same issue this morning.

Delphi XE4 on Windows 8.

I especially retested this here with Delphi XE4 and on Windows 8 but I cannot see a problem. The test app used here can be downloaded via:
