TAdvListBox Drag&Drop

Hello there,

I'm trying to implement some Drag&Drop using a TAdvListBox. However, no matter what I do, absolutely nothing happens.

I have put some ShowMessage-Statements into any DragDrop-Event I can find (OnDragDrop, OnDragOver, OnEndDrag, OnStartDrag). None of these Events gets fired, no matter if DragMode is dmAutomatic or dmManual.

The dosumentation in PDF-Format is surely easy to maintain, but a pain in the ass when a new user comes in - I wasn't even able to find an Index in which PDF I can find documentation to what Control...

So. Is there anyone who can help me to implement Drag&Drop ? Any help greatly appreciated.

Am I right or does the TMSSoftware-Support doesn't exist, even for licensed users ? This is my second question with exactly 0 (zero) answers after one week.

We have traced & solved an issue with this. Next update will address this.

There is an issue with automatic notifications we get for forum posts and due to this, it appears sometimes a forum post goes unnoticed. We'll do another investigation why these notifications get lost. The many other answers you see in all groups on this forum should be a prove that our support DOES exist.