TAdvInputTaskDialogEx question


I'm using TAdvInputTaskDialogEx with custom buttons

Dialog := TAdvInputTaskDialogEx.Create(AOwner);
Dialog.InputType := itCustom;
Dialog.OnDialogClose := AOnCloseEvent;

Is there a way to know modalresult in OnDialogClose Event?
Because I want to do some data verification, but when
user Cancels the form, there is no reason to.

The .Execute function returns the modalresult.

Dialog := TAdvInputTaskDialogEx.Create(AOwner);
Dialog.InputType := itCustom;
if Dialog.Execute = mrOK then

I know that, but it is too late.  There is an event, that is fired just before
the dialog is closed.

TTaskDialogCloseEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: boolean) of object;

I need to know in this event.

You can use:

AdvInputTaskDialogEx.DialogForm.ModalResult: integer;

Thank you, it works