I have a realitvely simple question: How can I use TADVGroupBox together with the nice question-mark icon in asimple dialog? All other components on the dialog work correctly...but not the TADVGroupBox. Here's what I do:
All necessary controls have the help-text in their hint-property. Helpcontext is different for every control. Helptype is htContext. ShowHint is false.
Oh, sorry. After clicking the question-mark border ico, the mouse pointer turns into a pointer with question-mark.Then when I click on for example a TRadiobutton, it will display a help-tooltip. If I click on a TEdit, it will display a help-tooltip. The code above is not control-specific. BUT if I click o a TADVGroupBox...nothing happens. As I am not to fit what the mechanisms around WM_HELP messaging are concerned, I don't know what exactly is wrong, but...the result is the malfunction I have stated.
I tried to reproduce this but couldn't. I also saw so different behavior between the standard VCL TGroupBox and TAdvGroupBox. If a problem persists, please provide some sample source app with which we can reproduce this here.
Hi Bruno, though the problem persists, I have worked around it. I have noticed meanwhile that one or two other VCL-components have the same issue - perhaps it's not an issue after all? What I have done now is to capture the WM_NCLBUTTONUP and WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN messages of the form myself to handle my required behaviour. So this subject can be put to sleep.