TAdvGCalendar v2.7 - can't add calendar items

Dear TMS Support Team,

I was delighted to see that some of the features I asked for are now implemented in TMS Cloud Pack 2.7. I upgraded my components and with version 2.7 of TMS Cloud Pack I can't add calendar items any more. I tried the demo app with my Google API keys and the response for the add calendar item request is:

'{'#$A' "error": {'#$A'  "errors": ['#$A'   {'#$A'    "domain": "global",'#$A'    "reason": "invalid",'#$A'    "message": "Invalid Value"'#$A'   }'#$A'  ],'#$A'  "code": 400,'#$A'  "message": "Invalid Value"'#$A' }'#$A'}'

Unfortunately I did not keep the old installer for TMS Cloud Pack v2.5. Is there a chance to obtain that installer or get a hotfix for version 2.7.

Thanks for a short answer in advance.



An issue slipped in the last release. We fixed this meanwhile and will release an update as soon as possible that will address this.

Thanks Holvoet,
I am looking forward to the new version. And so does my customer. ;-)

Hello Holvoet,
just a quick update the same error occurs for calendar item updates but not for deletes.

We'll release the update today that will address this.

Thanks Bruno,
for the quick response and the new release.

PS: My apologies for writing to Bart by his surname only. I concluded that most forum user names are [LastName] [FirstName] and addressed him the wrong way round.