TAdvFrameView demo or a simple code ?

According to YouTube presentation of TAdvFrameView [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTUfzA5bGVQ]
I made my own demo, but I can't come up with the same behavior of the background color in case OnFrameSelect.
Background color will not change at all in my case
I think not only me but others are wasting time if the demo exists.
And according to YouTube, it exists.
I attach my own code.
Alternatively, please just change the "background" properties so that it behaves like yours.
Or send your own project.or just publish the necessary code that will match your presented gif image.
(I wanted to add an entire project, but technically I can't do it)

My OnRadioGroupClick procedure:

procedure TForm1.rgClick(Sender: TObject);
if Assigned( fv ) then
FreeAndNil( fv );
fv := TAdvFrameView.Create( panHost );
// fv.FrameCreation := fcInView; fcAll;
// panHost.Color := clWhite;
fv.ParentColor := False;
fv.ParentBackground := False;
fv.Color := clWhite; //clBtnFace;
fv.Padding.Left := 10;
fv.Padding.Right := 10;
fv.Left := 20;
fv.Top := 20;
fv.Width := rg.Left - fv.Left * 2;
fv.OnFrameCreate := handle_FrameCreate;
fv.OnFrameDestroy := handle_FrameDestroy;
fv.OnFrameSelect := handle_FrameSelect;
fv.OnFrameUnSelect := handle_FrameUnSelect;
fv.OnFrameKeyDown := handle_FrameKeyDown;
fv.Parent := panHost;
fv.Padding.Top := 10;
fv.Padding.Bottom := 10;
fv.Align := alClient;
case rg.ItemIndex of
0 : begin
fv.rows := 10;
fv.Columns := 1;
// fv.ItemCount := 20;
fv.ItemWidth := 90;
1 : begin
// fv.FrameCreation := fcInView;
fv.rows := 50;
fv.Columns := 3;
fv.ItemCount := 20;
fv.ItemWidth := 0;
2 : begin
fv.FrameCreation := fcDynamic;
fv.rows := 10;
fv.Columns := 5;
fv.ItemHeight := 0;
fv.ItemCount := 75;
fv.ItemMinWidth := 0;
3 : begin
fv.rows := 10;
fv.Columns := 10;
fv.ItemHeight := 67;
fv.ItemCount := 50;
fv.ItemMinWidth := 170;
fv.FrameClass := TFrame2;

I have answered (under the blog) that next TMS VCL UI Pack release will have a demo

Thank you for the prompt reply