Good morning,
in TAdvEdit the is a very nice property that is "ExcelStyleDecimalSeparator" that change the '.' with ',' if is used the numeric keypad on the keyboard.
But if the same char (.) is pressed in a normal keyboard (or if is used a small keybard without numeric keypad) is is not automaticaly changed.
There's a way to replace the '.' with ',' in aoutside numeric keypad?
In a source file this line (AdvEdit.Pas #2070)
if (msg.charcode = ord('.')) and (FExcelStyleDecimalSeparator) and (msg.keydata and $400000 = $400000) then
this part (msg.keydata and $400000 = $400000)
if is pressed the '.' on a "normal" keyboard is always false.
Removing it (i comment last part) works.
Thank you for reply.
Best regards