TAdvEdit.EditType = edMpney change '.' with ','

Good morning,
in TAdvEdit the is a very nice property that is "ExcelStyleDecimalSeparator" that change the '.' with ',' if is used the numeric keypad on the keyboard.
But if the same char (.) is pressed in a normal keyboard (or if is used a small keybard without numeric keypad) is is not automaticaly changed.
There's a way to replace the '.' with ',' in aoutside numeric keypad?

In a source file this line (AdvEdit.Pas #2070)

if (msg.charcode = ord('.')) and (FExcelStyleDecimalSeparator) and (msg.keydata and $400000 = $400000) then

this part (msg.keydata and $400000 = $400000) if is pressed the '.' on a "normal" keyboard is always false.
Removing it (i comment last part) works.

Thank you for reply.
Best regards

This is by design as it mimics the Excel floating point number entry via the numeric keypad.

Hi Bruno,
thank you for reply.
I updated my post reading the source file.
There's a way to add a new feature in order to activate this char change ?

Thank you again ...

I understand this will change '.' for all keys, but this behavior is different from what Excel is doing.

Hi Bruno,
thank you for reply; You're rigth and is for this matter who i asked for a new property in order to have Excel's mimic and "normal keyboard" replace.

Thank you again Bruno.

We will add the public property ForceDecimalSeparator in the next update.

Thank you Bruno ...