TAdvCardList Issue with 4k resolution


Is a problem with 4k resolution and TAdvCardList. I simply set CardTemplate.CardWidth with value of TAdvCardList.Width like below:

Self.lstDetails.CardTemplate.CardWidth := self.lstDetails.Width - 17;

and on FullHD resolution 1920x1080 everything is ok (see the picture below)

but on 4K resolution 3840x2160 the same program looks like below, the card is very wide.

The example program in attachment
testtiles.zip (83.8 KB)

We fixed this issue. Next update will address this.

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In new version is better but not ideal.

On FullHD 1920v1080 the gap from the right is ok

but for 4k 3840x1080 the right gap is thinner. Why ?
You can test it with the attached program.

You are using a fixed value -17 here to subtract from the with without taking DPI in account. The desired gap is of course dependent on the DPI, so you'll need to multiply this fixed 17 number with your DPI ratio

the only sensible solution I see replace fixed value 17 to

(17 * screen.PixelsPerInch) div 96

calculated on the basis of proportions.
