Tab Order in FNC PageControlContainer

I have a web application running in chrome with:
a header panel containing images and labels
an Id panel containing DB labels and regular labels
a notification memo with TabStop= False
a pagecontrol containing various pages
a panel with forward and back buttons.

I have a problem with tab sequencing on many of the pages.  Here is an example for one of the TTMSFNCPageControlContainer contents.

The page has the following:
WebDBRadioGroup with three items
panel with various webDBEdit components

SetFocus is on the radio group whenever the page is changed.
The tab sequence should be:
Radio Group
1st Edit in the Panel
Other edits in turn
Forward Button
Backward Button
I don't care where it goes next.

The actual sequence is:
Radio Group (start)
Off page to the  Browser's "View Site Information"
Off page to the Browser's URL
Off page to the Forward Button
Off page to somewhere else ???
Off page to the Back Button
First Edit in the panel on the page
Sequence through edits is correct.

Delphi TPanels have TabStop and TabOrder properties.  TWebPanels and TWebDBRadioGroups do not.  I have not been able to get the sequencing to work correctly.   Additional there is no OnExit event for the WebDBRadioGroup.

What do you suggest be done to get the tab sequencing to work properly.

Contrary to VCL/Windows, tabs are page wide and not per container in a web browser, so please set your tab related properly to take this in account.

I am aware of that.   I viewed as text and I couldn't find anything that was incorrect.  I even cut and pasted the components back on the form.  It helped a little but there are still the instances where hitting the tab key moves to the browser or to some unknown location.  Also, the taborder values start at zero on each individual page.  Additionally other components in the application use the same tab order values.

This is normal for Delphi but many of the "Web" components, like TWebPanel do not have TabOrder or TabStop.  That is ok but everything needs to work.  There are also no OnExit events for components like the radio groups which prevents using those events to bypass the problem.

The behavior is very odd.  Please check the email I sent earlier for more details.

Your direct email was replied. Please follow up via email. Using multiple channels for the same support question is counter productive.