Stream Read Error with Ribbon

I have used the TMS Office 2010 Ribbon application wizard to create a demo project, but when compiled under Delphi 2007 it always fails on closure with "Stream Read Error" (arising in the destruction of TFrameWindow of AdvShapeButton.pas)

Also how do i get rid of the while pixels at the top left and right of the "File" button. I cannot locate the property for this.


Can it be you had an older trial version installed and not all old trial version files were removed before installing the latest registered version?

I've never had a trial version of Advanced Toolbar installed, i did have
a clash with another TMS package but I removed all traces of it,
uninstalled Advanced Toolbar and then reinstalled. The problem remains.

Do you see these issues with you run our Office2010 demo? We can't see this here.
If you do not see these issues in our demo, what's different in your app from our Office 2010 demo?

Actually it only occurs if you close the application when the file menu form is displayed (and does not occur in your demo).

have decided to use the Windows 7 style and it does not occur in that
mode (as the menu automatically collapse on close) so it is no longer an

Why though, does the file menu not appear when TAdvToolBarOfficeStyler.Style = bsWindows7?

Also, in bsWindows7 display mode, disabled buttons appear with a white
background, which does not align with the  applications in Windows 7.

How can i make them greyed out...

The application menu is a feature for the Office 2010 style ribbon, as this matches Office 2010. The Windows 7 ribbon has the small menu (similar to Office 2007) , you can see this in Windows apps like Paint.

OK, thanks, getting the hang of it...