SQLite boolean field


While generating local SQLite db for use with TMS Echo, I use this command to signal how boolean fields should be created:

(TSQLGeneratorRegister.GetInstance.GetGenerator('SQLite') as TSQLiteSQLGenerator).UseBoolean := True; {True/False}

I notice that with value set to True; the SQLite boolean field ends up as Text with values 1/0. For value set to False the SQLite boolean field ends up as Text with values T/F

With value set to True I was expecting the fieldtype to become Integer where 1/0 indicates True/False.

Am I missing something or maybe I'm just wrong in my assumption?

SQLite doesn't have field types. The field type doesn't matter, but in any case, Aurelius should create it with "INTEGER" alias anyway.

Are you sure about your findings? Do you have a project reproducing the issue? Are you sure you are not using a database with tables and fields that were previously created?