SQLDBBridge demo not compiling

I've trying to understand the SQLDBBridge demo.

I have opened the client code unit1.pas and placed a breakpoint {bp} at the handler for the login button.

Now when I try to compile the spa I get an error - the following is what appears in the IDE Messages window. Also if I use code completion on the CDSUserExists component (TWebSQLRestClientDataset) there is no Load method (is this a js method ? )

Where am I going wrong ?



"Unit1.pas(1): Preprocessor: C:\Projects\TMS\SQLDBBridge\Unit1.pas
Command line: C:\Users\davidm\AppData\Local\tmssoftware\registered\TMS WEB Core RSXE13\Bin\Win32\pas2js.exe C:\Projects\TMS\SQLDBBridge\TMSWeb_SQLDBRestTodoList.dpr -MDelphi -l -JeJSON -JRnone -Jminclude -O- -Jc -viw -vnh -vm026,5024,3021,5023,4501 -Jitms.js -Jirtl.js -FUC:\Projects\TMS\SQLDBBridge\TMSWeb\Debug -vb -vl -dDEBUG -dWEBLIB "-FuC:\Projects\TMS\SQLDBBridge;C:\Users\davidm\AppData\Local\tmssoftware\registered\TMS WEB Core RSXE13\Core Source;C:\Users\davidm\AppData\Local\tmssoftware\registered\TMS WEB Core RSXE13\Core Source\RTL;C:\Users\davidm\AppData\Local\tmssoftware\registered\TMS FNC Core;C:\Users\davidm\AppData\Local\tmssoftware\registered\TMS FNC UI Pack;C:\Users\davidm\AppData\Local\tmssoftware\registered\TMS FNC Cloud Pack;C:\Users\davidm\AppData\Local\tmssoftware\registered\TMS FNC Dashboard Pack;C:\Users\davidm\AppData\Local\tmssoftware\registered\TMS FNC Maps;C:\Users\davidm\AppData\Local\tmssoftware\registered\TMS FNC Blox;C:\Users\davidm\AppData\Local\tmssoftware\registered\TMS FNC Chart;C:\Users\davidm\AppData\Local\tmssoftware\registered\TMS WEB Core RSXE13" "-FiC:\Projects\TMS\SQLDBBridge;C:\Users\davidm\AppData\Local\tmssoftware\registered\TMS WEB Core RSXE13\Core Source;C:\Users\davidm\AppData\Local\tmssoftware\registered\TMS WEB Core RSXE13\Core Source\RTL;C:\Users\davidm\AppData\Local\tmssoftware\registered\TMS FNC Core;C:\Users\davidm\AppData\Local\tmssoftware\registered\TMS FNC UI Pack;C:\Users\davidm\AppData\Local\tmssoftware\registered\TMS FNC Cloud Pack;C:\Users\davidm\AppData\Local\tmssoftware\registered\TMS FNC Dashboard Pack;C:\Users\davidm\AppData\Local\tmssoftware\registered\TMS FNC Maps;C:\Users\davidm\AppData\Local\tmssoftware\registered\TMS FNC Blox;C:\Users\davidm\AppData\Local\tmssoftware\registered\TMS FNC Chart;C:\Users\davidm\AppData\Local\tmssoftware\registered\TMS WEB Core RSXE13"
Pas2JS Compiler version 2.0.6 [2021/04/23] for Win32 i386 / TMS WEB Core version v1.8.5.0
[Error] Unit1.pas(107): Expected "."
Error during compilation
[Fatal Error] Error during compilation"

I retested and I cannot reproduce this, with or without breakpoint.
Is it working without this breakpoint?

Thanks Bruno. I also changed the user and password to hard coded values instead of reading from the edit boxes. It was still broken.

And then I closed Delphi and reloaded and it compiles. That is very bizzare but the problem has gone away for now.

And why does the code completion not show the .Load method on the TWebSQLRestClientDataset ?

We fixed this code completion issue.
The next update will address this.

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Nice, you guys are responsive :)