ShortCutHint - AdvGlowButton,AdvToolBar

I am having a problem when I use shortcut hints with AdvGlowButtons on a AdvTooBar, when resizing the form and the button becomes hidden. When I click on the buttons using my mouse, it works as expected, and the form is resized and the button is hidden. But when I use the ShortCutHints for the buttons, I get an index out of bounds error. The button is hidden when this occurs.  I have the source in a test program, that I can submit, if needed.

I have retested this here with the Office 2007 demo on the "Binding" tab with a resized form to make buttons invisible but couldn't see a problem. Are you using the latest version of the component? Do you have more details / steps / sample?

I am using the latest version of TMS.

  1. Also this program is using a side form that pops up when a certain key is pressed via the shortcut.
  2. Make for main form full size so all buttons are visible. 
  2. Then hit the alt key and use the shortcut keys.
  3. One of the shortcut keys makes the side form pop up on the side of the main form and then the Main form re-sizes to fit the side form into the window.
  4. Then the buttons are hidden and exception is thrown.  
How do I attach a sample?

I updated the sample program and sent it to you. I still get the problem when a shortcut key is pressed on the far right toolbar. This is the toolbar and buttons that get collapsed when the form is resized. The form maximum size is set to a constraint when a button is pressed on the far right toolbar("A").

This question was handled by direct email.