Set Transparency Color with TadvSmoothListBox.Item


I've got different pictures in a TadvSmoothListBox. I want so make
clFuchsia the Transparency Color, like it usually works with TImage /

But this does not seem to do the trick:

    a: TAdvSmoothImageListBox;

   for i := 0 to a.Items.Count - 1 do begin

     a.Items.Items.Caption.Text := a.Items.Items.FileName;

     a.Items.Items.Image.TransparentMode := tmAuto;  // or tmFixed / doesn't matter

     a.Items.Items.Image.Transparent := True;

     a.Items.Items.Image.TransparentColor := clFuchsia;


Transparency works fine for like .png files with transparency information stored. But how can i do this with bmps?


Unfortunately at this time, transparency is only supported for GIF & PNG formats where transparency is a built-in capability of the image format where for a bitmap, this is not available in the file format. We've added it on the feature request list though to investigate if we can find a workaround to have transparency based on the bottom-left pixel as is in other VCL components.