Service Operations Tutorial - not working for me

In the demos folder there isn't the complete code of the example given in the tutorial.

By I type it in and recreate it manually.  First using the POST command.

I use the Delphi REST debugger to send:

POST   http://localhost:2002/nethd/myservice/sum?a=5&b=8 HTTP/1.1

With custom body of:

POST /nethd/myService/Sum HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:2002
  "a": 5,
  "b": 8
I get the following:

500 internal server error

    "message":"Object or array expected as top-level value"
So I try it using a GET instead and adding in the [HTTPGet] lines.

  TMyService = class(TInterfacedObject, IMyService)
    function Sum(A, B: double): double;
//    function FindOverduePayments(CustomerId: integer): TList<TPayment>;


function TMyService.Sum(A, B: double): double;
  Result := A + B;

get http://localhost:2002/nethd/myservice/sum?a=5&b=8 HTTP/1.1

405 Method not allowed.

I wish the demos included the working source code of the tutorial.

After some trial and error I find that the custom body in the debugger does not need to have the first 2 lines. i.e. no POST and no Host.

POST /nethd/myService/Sum HTTP/1.1   - take this line out
Host: localhost:2002                                  - take this line out
  "a": 5,
  "b": 8

Hi Alan, yes, the text in documentation refers to the raw HTTP request, so the first lines are the request and headers themselves, and then after a line break you have the body of the request. You need to interpret it as it really depends on what client tool/rest debugger you are using to perform the request to the server.

OK, thanks.