Semicolon in If condition

I have a condition

<#if(<#typ_obalu>="";<#baleni> <#jn>;<#typ_obalu> ";" <#baleni> <#jn>)>

but I end up with something like this:
box ";" 10 kg instead of box ; 10 kg

What am I doing wrong ?


Rules of escapng in tags are not completely straightforward, but sadly we can't change them without breaking existing reports.

In this case, the solution is simple: Just write everything between quotes:
<#if(<#typ_obalu>="";<#baleni> <#jn>;"<#typ_obalu> ; <#baleni> <#jn>")>

For other cases where quotes might not be enough, the suggested method is to define some expression or value with the text you want to use.

So for example, you could have defined a report expression "Semicolon" = ;  and then write:
<#if(<#typ_obalu>="";<#baleni> <#jn>;<#typ_obalu> <#semicolon> <#baleni> <#jn>)>

I have tried the second solution and works perfectly.
For me the second solution makes sense and is good approach.
You should mention it here as preferred solution

Thanks for help

Indeed I will add it to the docs, thanks!