select with multiple tables

   TAccReq= Class
      FId: Integer;
      FName: String;
      FAccDevId: TAccDev;
      FaLotOfFields: String;
    TAccDev= Class
      FId: Integer;
      FName: String;
      FaLotOfFields: String;
this is the SQL:
  Select AccReq.Id, AccReq.Name, AccReq.AccDevId, AccDev.Name
  From AccReq, AccDev
  Where (AccReq.AccDevId=AccDev.Id) and AccReq.Id >= 500 (could be a join )
This is what i'm try to do;
Result := Manager.Find<TAccReq>.Select(TProjections.ProjectionList
                                           .Add(TProjections.Prop(Dic.AccDev.Name.PropName))//how to do that?
                                    .Add(TLinq.GreaterOrEqual(Dic.AccReq.Id, 500)

Dic is TDictionary generated by Data Modeler.


you can't use dictionary for associated properties. You must create alias and add the property name manually ('')