Search in UITableview


when i start your sample "Customs Cell" in the Simulator, i will get an EAccessViolation Error, if the Search-Field is empty and i just try to scroll down in the list.
If the Search-Field contains something, the error does not occur.

I tested it out with an own sample and got the same results. If i enable the search-field inside of the TMSFMXNativeUITableView and the search-field is emptry, i receive an error when i click on a field or try to scroll down. If the search-field is filled, everythings works fine.


Did you test this on the simulator or on a real device? If you have tested this on the simulator, this is one of the known limitations, searching on a real device should not give you an access violation.

Kind Regards, 
Pieter Scheldeman2013-09-03 09:32:17

I tested it on the simulator. But the point is: I dont want to search. The search-field is blank and i just want to scroll down in my list.
If the search-field is disabled, everything is working fine, if the search-field is enabled (just enabled, but the entry in the search is blank), no scroll or no push on an entry is possible :-(



Please test this on a real device, scrolling should be possible in both cases.

Kind Regards, 

on the device i have now the problem, that i get the following error:
[DCC Fehler] E2597 ld: file not found: /System/Library/Frameworks/Social.framework/Social

If i only use the xe4 components, the program runs on the device. If i add just a single tmsfmxbutton, this errormessage occurs

On the simulator this error does not occur, just in the device



Please read the documentation:
on page 111

ok, thanks. Got it. Now it runs on the device and the search-example is also running without any errors.

But to bad, that it does not run on the sim :-(

Best regards and many thanks



Unfortunately there is nothing much we can do about it, the Simulator is a different architecture, it would be worse if it was the other way around. It is important to test on a real device on regular intervals.

Kind Regards, 