Scrollbar disappear in richedit cell


the vertical scrollbar disappears when clicking on other cells (or move the mouse outside the grid). 

Two columns, one edNumeric and the other edRichEdit. 
When I init the grid in a loop I add the scollbar to that cell.  
      AdvStringGrid->AddScrollBar(2, row, true);

1. Click and add so much text you get the scrollbar when exiting the cell
2. Click on the edNumeric cell. You get the scrollbar
3. Click on the edRichEdit cell. Don't add any text
4. Click on the edNumeric cell. The scrollbar disappears

If you then add more lines to the edRichEdit you get the scrollbar back but repeating the above makes it disappear again. 

You can also make it disappear by just moving the mouse cursor. 
1. Click and add so much text you get the scrollbar when exiting the cell
2. Click on a edRichEdit cell in another row. You get the scrollbar
3. Click on the edRichEdit cell with text. Don't add any text
4. Click on a edRichEdit cell in another row. You get the scrollbar back
5. Move the mouse outside the grid or in a column other than edRichEdit. The scrollbar disappears

Kind regards,

I forgot to say I use the latest version of the grid:

This was tested with a default grid on the form and the code:

procedure TForm1.AdvStringGrid1GetEditorType(Sender: TObject; ACol,
  ARow: Integer; var AEditor: TEditorType);
  if acol = 1  then
    AEditor := edNumeric;

  if acol = 2  then
    AEditor := edRichEdit;

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  i: integer;
  AdvStringGrid1.Options := AdvStringGrid1.Options + [goEditing];
  for i := 1 to AdvStringGrid1.RowCount - 1 do

but I cannot see an issue. There is never a scrollbar on the column 1 where the edNumeric editor is used and a scrollbar appears for the edRichEdit editor column when text is higher than the row height and does not disappear here. 

There are actually more columns than two but I didn't/don't think that this will have any effect, that's why I only mentioned two. Anyway, I will do your test with another fresh grid. There maybe something I do wrong somewhere or something else that interferes. 

Thx for the investigation. 