Scaling issues with TSmoothDatePicker

Hello Bruno,

thanks for all the great support concerning my issues with the AdvStringList.
Today I got questions concerning the TSmoothDatePicker.

When using a simple App with a TSmoothDatePicker placed in it, I experience 2 issues:

#1: There is some layout instability when dealing with automated scaling on different PPI.

  • Starting the App, opening the calendar, the layout is wide but fine.
  • When moving the app to a monitor with higher scaling and reopening the calendar, the fontsize and layout is adapted.
  • From now on, when reopening the calendar, the layout is broken (width/height is suddenly too small).

#2: When manually scaling the application, the edit is scaled, but not the calendar when opened.
Here is a screenshot after scaling to 200% by calling form->ScaleBy(2, 1);

Is there a way to make the calendar rescale with the current scale of its edit control?
I assumed that when the calendar can be scaled correctly with the monitor (as in my point above), then it may be archived in this case somehow as well?

(C++Builder 10.2.3 (Tokyo), TMS

We investigated and fixed this issue. The next update will address this.