Saving the cells colours and other data

I'm trying to understand the TAdvStringGrid when it comes to saving/exporting the grid and its data.

If I save/export to XLS I see the colours in cells I have applied when the xls file is loaded into Excel, but no column headers. This is using the TAdvGridExcelIO. If I use gridsavetoXLS then the result is no colours but the headers are there.
When I save/export to Doc then I see the headers but no colours in MS Word.
When I save/export to Html I see the colours and the headers complete, so this one works out of the box so to speak.
When saving the grid with savetofile, I do not get the colours I added to the cells when loading it back with loadfromfile. I get the headers and column/row changes ok.
Any pointers to what I'm doing wrong?

We have traced & solved this issue. Next update will address this.