this my be a stupid question but how do I save the pencil drawings within a pdf to a file?
I enabled the pencil, I am drawing and then I use PDFD.SavetoFile(pdffilename);
Where PDFD is TTMSFMXNativePDFDocument;
Before saving I do not disable the pencil, I just save the file.
Oh by the way, if the file already exists, does PDFD.SavetoFile simply overwrite it or does it do nothing actually?
Okay I figured out that disabling the pencil is saving my handwriting to the pdf.
Is there perhaps another method to do so without disabling the pen?
I a thinking about something like OneNote which is updating the notebook every few seconds.
Hi everyone,
sorry to warm this up but after having a little practice in working with the icl pdf component and the pencil framework, I just wanted to ask wether it is possible to change the saved pencil notes after relaoding the pdf.
What I do is:
Loading the PDF into a TTSMFMXNativePDFDocument, alter it by activating the pencil and then save it back and overwriting it.
When reloading the PDF I can no longer modify the handwritten notes I made.
As long as I do not save the PDF I can freely modify everythig I have written, even after deacticating and reactivating the pencil.
Is there a chance that the handwritten notes maintain changeable?