Save only modified cells using TAdvStringGrid

I'm using TAdvStringGrid version and C++ Builder XE. Is there an option to find out if a specific cell is modified or not?  I'd like to save only the modified data from a TAdvStringGrid. I've searched in the manual but can't find an answer to my question.

Thank you in advance for your help.

This can be retrieved on row basis only with:

 advstringgrid.RowModified[rowindex]: boolean;

Thank you for your answer. I've tried your solution but still I can't make it work

I've tried the following code to find out which rows are modified but nothing happens.

for(int i=0; i<AdvStringGrid1->RowCount; i++)
  if(AdvStringGrid1->RowModified == true) ShowMessage("Row " + IntToStr(i) + " is modified");

Can you tell what's wrong with the code?

Thank you again for your answer.

RowModified is an array property, please use an index!

AdvStringGrid1->RowModified[ROWINDEX] == true

I made a mistake in the code above. Sorry for that. The code won't compile if the RowModified is used like that.

Still ShowMessage dialog is not triggered when a row is changed.

for(int i=0; i<AdvStringGrid1->RowCount; i++)
  if(AdvStringGrid1->RowModified == true) ShowMessage("Row " + IntToStr(i) + " is modified");

Thank you for your help.

I found something out in this forum. It's not possible to place [ i ] in the tekst, it's seems this is filtered????

My code again which was also posted in my first post:

for(int i=0; i<AdvStringGrid1->RowCount; i++)
  if(AdvStringGrid1->RowModified[ i ] == true) ShowMessage("Row " + IntToStr(i) + " is modified");

This code compiles without any problem here:

void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
 for(int i=0; i<AdvStringGrid1->RowCount; i++)
  if(AdvStringGrid1->RowModified[ i ] == true) ShowMessage("Row " + IntToStr(i) + " is modified");

when a default grid & button is placed on the form.
Please check your library & include paths that these point to the folder where the latest version
of the components is installed.