Sample TodoList IdexedDB Error (Edge)

When I run your ToDoList Sample on EDGE-Browser  and click on "New Task"then there is the following error:

IndexedDB Error (Add) : DataError, DataError | fMessage::IndexedDB Error (Add) : DataError, DataError fHelpContext::0
at http://localhost:8000/TMSWeb_TodoList/TMSWeb_TodoList.js [51772:13]

Some problems also with editing and data will not be saved

On Browser Chrome all is fine

I tested this with Microsoft Edge 83.0.478.50 64bit but I couldn't see a problem here.

I have Browser Microsoft Edge 44.18362.449.0

Your Demo from your webside works with that browser, but not when I compile and run your (unchanged) demo from the demo installation.

In the Edge console I have the following informations:
TML1300: Navigation wurde ausgef?hrt.
index.html (1,1)

HTML1506: Unerwartetes Token.
index.html (22,3)

IndexedDB Warning: AddIndex commands ignored for existing database.

IndexedDB Warning: AutoIncrement setting of ClientDataSet switched OFF to match that of the existing database.

IndexedDB Error (Add) : DataError, DataError

SCRIPT5022: SCRIPT5022: [object Object]
index.html (52021,13)


Given Microsoft recently automatically updated all machines here from Edge to Edge Chromium we can't test this here anymore. We had tested this demo earlier and at that time it worked fine. Given Microsoft gives up on Edge, I would assume this issue is no longer relevant.