Same position all the time using TMSFNCLocation


I am using the TMSFNCLocation component to tracking a car and the component always get the same location, rarely get another. the APIKey is properly actived on Google and the command used is TMSFNCLocation.GetLocation

OnGetLocation implementation

procedure TfrmMain.TMSFNCLocationGetLocation(Sender: TObject;
const ARequest: TTMSFNCLocationRequest;
const ARequestResult: TTMSFNCCloudBaseRequestResult);
memLog.Lines.Add(Format('Latitude: %2.10f Longitude: %2.10f', [ARequest.Coordinate.Latitude, ARequest.Coordinate.Longitude]));

Just it and does not works properly.

Any idea?


We are not aware of any issues with TTMSFNCLocation using the Google service.
If the request does not return the expected location I would assume the service was not able to determine a more precise location.
You can check the exact data retrieved from the service by setting Logging to True and review the LOG file that is generated automatically in the Documents folder of your PC.