RowMoving - Displayed Text

if i move rows, i can see the number of the moving row in a special field.
Can i replace this displayed text with a value of the grid?

Best regards

I'm sorry but I do not fully understand your question. Where exactly do you want to see the displayed value? Where exactly do you see this number of the moving row now?


here is a screenshot:

Best regards

I fail to understand how you do this with TAdvStringGrid  as these are not built-in features. The built-in behavior is that it shows the cells as-is during dragging. I suspect you must have added additional code. Please provide some sample source project with which we can understand what you're doing and reproduce the problem.


thanks for your reply and advice.

There a hidden columns in front of the first displayed column and so the displayed value isn't the number of the row but the value of the first column.
Is there any chance to show the value of the first displayed column?
If not, the following workaround will be successful:
I will add a first column with the same values as the first displayed column.

Best regards

During drag, the value of the displayed cells is shown, not of hidden cells. This is by design. There is currently unfortunately not a setting to change this behavior.