Request Update TWebRichEditToolbar dan TWebRichEdit

Dear Tmssoftware Team,
Please help for my request to update the TWebRichEditToolBar and TWebRichEdit (TMS Web Core) component as follows:

  1. In the TWebRichEditToolbar component there is an icon to be able to insert an image file into the TWebRichEdit component
  2. Added in TWebRichEditToolbar component for setting text paragraph in TWebRichEdit component
  3. Added to be able to do copy and paste by using the ctrl+v (paste) keys while using the TWebRichEdit component
  4. added to display the default font and size in the TWebRichEditToolbar component


We will add this on our todolist.

It is not clear though what exact behavior you expect with 2) What is "setting text paragraph"?

Sorry sir, I mean the settings in the paragraph for the line spacing, like the example picture below, because when I use the TWebRichEdit component to type something and then press the enter key the cursor moves down it looks like the line spacing is not tight maybe there should be a line spacing setting.

We will investigate if we can do this at HTML level

Ok Sir, Thanks

This will be included in the next release.