Request for a new TControl constructor

We are using TMS Web Core V2.6 beta and in our app we are going to create most controls at runtime. Doing this, it would help us to pass the element ID to the constructor of a control. Therefore it would be nice, if TControl would provide the following new constructor:

constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent; ID: string); virtual; overload;

At the moment, the TControl constructor first generates a new element ID which (in most cases) gets overwritten when the ElementID property is set. With the new constructor, overhead could be saved internally migrating the control from the old to the new element ID.

There is already the constructor

constructor TControl.Create(ID: string);

that maps the control directly on the HTML element with id ID.

But it misses the Owner parameter ...

A control that just wraps a HTML element has no regular control owner