Replace Cloud - Microsoft Live API

Hi Everyone,

instead of using the old (and Microsoft-Support itself said "deprecated") API for the
Live Contacts and Live Calender, I would like to see Components for the "new"
Outlook REST API.
In the old Microsoft Live Connect-API there are just "Firstname", "Lastname" and
the birthday, so it is not suitable for a synchronization-App where anyone would
like to see mail-adresses or telefonnumbers.
After a request to Microsoft how to get this information they linked me to the
Outlook REST API described in
There are several enhanchements and I think anyone who use the cloud-pack
whould be happy about this.
I hope you can confirm this extension.

Greetings from Papenburg, Germany
 Gabriele Hillebrandt

This is on our todolist. High workload has prevented us so far from doing this conversion. As soon as workload allows, we'll tackle this.

Ok, thanks for this in advance.

Greetings from Papenburg, Germany
 Gabriele Hillebrandt